It's now 2020, and the new CEO of Apple announced the newest Apple Watch generation 50, featuring the most revolutionary update yet – the ability to read minds. Yes, you read that right – it could pick up what I’m thinking now and spit it out to another Apple Watch user, in near real time. Simply revolutionary, no matter how you thought about it. The internet was no longer just a web of knowledge – it was a web of people’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions in addition to its previous functions.

How did it work? After public pressure to reveal their secret, Apple’s CEO revealed that they had found a new spectrum of waves in the air that the human mind could read and produce. Humans had been doing it forever, it had just never been seen by scientists or engineers before. Using these waves plus impulses from the body – which the Apple Watch is able to capture with new sensors – they have the ability to take what somebody is thinking and transmit it to others.

Initially, it was a free-for-all. The technology worked well – too well, actually – and allowed everyone to be able to read each other’s thoughts. It came under clear scrutiny soon, however. Apple decided to involve limits to the technology’s bounds. In a 2030 update, instead of being able to simply tap into anyone in the world, they had to be in a certain radius to the searcher – five miles. While this still had some privacy concerns, technology had advanced enough that it was an afterthought; as long as advertisers didn’t know, who cared?

Alex has only seen the positive. His ability to know what his customers are thinking while he’s giving his sales pitch, even over the phone in his locality, has been revolutionary. Because all of society now wears an Apple Watch 24/7 (they introduced conductive wireless charging back in 2035), he is able to get this window into his customers’ lives – and local GEICO executives’ – to make a better product. And his customers are able to get his thoughts as well, so they can make sure he’s staying pure to the brand and not selling them on snake oil.

How is he now?